Sunday, September 9, 2007

What was I thinking???

What was I thinking when I painted the kids' bathroom WHITE? Don't get me wrong. I like white bathrooms. It has such a crisp, clean quality. I like to walk into my bathroom and see where the dirt is and then irradicate it. There are two places in the house that I like to have clean: the kitchen and the bathroom. The rest can just remain under the dust deep enough to plant potatoes and the kid grime that covers every surface.

But the kids' bathroom? White? WHY??? Maybe I should have gone with a nice chocolate brown, or perhaps a deeper MUD brown with black flecks. Heck, even a dirty (country) blue with chocolate accents. That's in right now, right?

It's amazing to me how the bathroom can go from clean and sparkling, to mud flecked and dripping in under 2 minutes. See, I was catching a bit of a break while the kids were outside playing. I suppose I should have noticed how nicely they were playing together. Anyhow, I made dinner and then called the kids in to wash their hands. Next thing I know, the entry rug is brown (not blue), the carpet is brown (not gray with sundry juice and dry erase marker accents) and the bathroom is brown. The kids? Yeah, they're still brown, too. ::sigh::

I have to laugh at the colors I'm contemplating. I picked out Mississippi Mud on The site recommended pairing it with Coconut Husk, Yorkshire Brown and Innocence. HA! They don't know my children. Otherwise, they certainly wouldn't have recommended I use anything remotely related to Innocence...such a delicate shade of off-ivory-white. I may consider it for the ceiling, however. Or not. And while I'm contemplating color changes, I may ditch the white toilet in favor of one that is perhaps a delicious shade of dandelion yellow.


The Lizard said...

I'm gone for what, 2 days? And you're already talking about painting?

Mama Lizard said...

lol! Yep, I want to have the whole house painted by the time you get back. Do you think the dirt would show up less if I painted the rest of the living room green? Or pale sage or whatever that color was? :P