Friday, September 21, 2007

Today is Friday

Today is Friday. End of the work week. Time to kick back and relax for the weekend. Or, in my case, time to have another day just like all the rest of the days of the week: 6-something-am ~ get woken up by the baby who wants to snuggle, take a shower, rub eyes repeatedly whilst yawning greatly, direct kids 1-4 to get dressed, make breakfast, make breakfast, make breakfast, ask if anyone else is still hungry, make more breakfast...just another day in the life.

I'm racking my brain trying to decide if anything interesting happened today. Probably not. At least not that I can remember. Oh, except that the poor little guy got his first bee sting today. He told me "yeah, mommy, it huwts wite dere." Other than a bit of "ow, ow, ow, mommy, ow wite dere" he didn't really cry. He told me "don't poke, mommy" as I extracted the stinger. And then asked in an incredulous voice "where'd it go, mommy?" after it was out. Quite the trooper. The good news is, there was no swelling, no redness, no reaction at all. Just a stinger hanging out that I removed, then iced and gave him a bit of benedryl.

His other big statement of the day was something that just cracked me up. I always have some sort of school work out for one child or another throughout the day. Little Dude came up, plopped himself down in his chair and hollered at me, "where my school is, mommy???" This boy means business when it comes to his education!

I think the moral of this story is that I should resist the temptation to blog while I should be in bed. I'll get right on that...good night!

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