Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prayer, Playfulness, Pleasure and Passion

That's the name of the couples' retreat we went on today. Ooo la la! A whole day, from sun up to sun down with no kids. At all. Breakfast? We sat and talked like normal people, without wiping mouths, hands, heads or noses. Lunch? We sat and socialized with other couples we know and love. Dinner? Oh, let me tell you about dinner...

Dinner was at a seafood place, on the balcony, overlooking a marina and the beach. We watched the sun slowly sink into the Pacific Ocean. We talked about everything and nothing. We teased and talked, held hands and just sat silently. It was absolute bliss. Mmmm. And so was desert...we shared at Sea Turtle Sundae, YUM!

Oh, and Navy beat Air Force 31-20. Woot!


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

hmmm...and the way it was going I thought this post might end with TMI...


miss you

Mama Lizard said...

lol! Not a chance! This is a G rated blog, tyvm! hehe!

Although...well, let's just say the night we got home wasn't so G all. :D

Miss you, too. We'll come visit no matter when you're home, even if it's only for an hour.

The Lizard said...

A Sea Turtle Sunday wasn't TMI? It was nearly that good. Notice I said nearly...