Monday, September 17, 2007

Eeeeewww! Our house stinks!

Apparently vanilla extract stinks. That's what the 4 year old informed me today. Bookworm and I were quite happily doing our chemistry experiment on molecules. The experiment was fun, and consisted of putting a bit of vanilla extract into a balloon and blowing up the balloon. We discussed how the vanilla extract was inside the balloon, yet we could still smell the distinct smell of the vanilla outside the room. (and for the record, I put the extract in with a dropper in a different the smell wouldn't follow me around) In any case, it was fun to learn that vanillin molecules (the smell part) are so tiny that they can penetrate a seemingly solid balloon.

However, Mighty Man didn't approve of our stinking up the house! He came in sniffing around, looking for the source. Upon seeing us at the table, he announced "Eeeeewww! What is that? Our house stinks!" So now you know; vanilla extract isn't the house warming, pleasant source of fond memories for all involved.

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