Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Going to a safer place.

If you've been watching the news much, you know that most of San Diego county is on fire. I've lost track of how many fires there are right now, last count I saw was 17. While we are miraculously not under a mandatory evacuation (as more than 600,000 are in the county), we are nonetheless leaving.

Pray for those who have lost everything and pray for a quick end to the firestorm. The smoke is thick and it's not easy to breathe. So we are headed out to cleaner air and safer surroundings.


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Find a safe spot and stay there! You're in my thoughts...

Jay said...

Safe travels. We'll stay here and watch the houses (ours and yours) and feed the cat and the fish. Let us know you arrived safely at your destination.