Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Friends of Little Miss

Our daughter has many friends. Two legged friends, four legged friends, six legged friends, even some of the 8 legged variety. She's passionate about animals, insects and other flavors of critters in general. I suppose it's a good thing that lizards, crickets, spiders, snakes and katydids don't phase me. Black widows, yes. And rattlesnakes. But she can identify both of those and avoids them.

What really cracks me up is that Mighty Man has an intense disliking of all varieties of creepy crawlies, except for worms. So while his older brother and sister catch and torment study these vermin, he's howling at the top of his lungs that there's a pinchy bug, or a spider, or some other heinous beast about to attack him. Meanwhile, I just sit back and laugh. Or take pictures.

This was one particularly hoppy katydid. Darn thing would hardly sit still for a mug shot. Except on Little Miss's head. Which didn't bother her one bit.

And here's her friend, Cricky:

She was just a little disappointed that Cricky wasn't happy enough in her hand to sing. Maybe it was his one and a half antenna set up? Maybe he needed both to feel well enough to sing? I wouldn't really know, since I'm not a cricket. At least, I wasn't last time I checked.

1 comment:

The Lizard said...

It's a good thing you're not afraid of any of these things :)