Monday, April 16, 2007

May Mom BBQ

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Today didn’t unfold anything like I had planned. Our little guy woke up a bit early, but sounded pretty bad. He was having a rough time breathing, something that has been brewing for a few days. But it wasn’t bad enough that I thought I should take him in until today. Today he just sounded miserable.

I was so afraid I would go through all of the effort to find an urgent care and take him in, only to have them tell me he had a cold and that was that. I called our insurance and the advice nurse told me to take him in to the ER. There was only 30 minutes until an urgent care opened, so I opted for the urgent care instead. I really liked the facility we went to. They were very fast, very friendly, and quite good.

We got checked in and the first thing we discovered was that the little guy had an ear infection in addition to the wheezing he was doing. So I felt better about taking him in. At least I wasn’t over reacting! After two back to back albuterol treatments, he still wasn’t sounding too great. So off we went to get some chest x-rays. I’ve seen pneumonia before, but never this bad. The whole bottom third of his left lung was completely white. You couldn’t even begin to see the lung in all of the junk in there. Five prescriptions later, he’s starting to perk up a bit. They gave him a horse sized shot of antibiotics in the clinic, then put him on azithromyicin. He’s also on several other drugs to help kick the pneumonia. Poor little guy!

So after taking him in and spending several hours getting his prescriptions, we headed off for the May Mommy BBQ, woohoo! That’s what I was looking forward to, and sick kid or not, I was going to a BBQ! Here’s who was there: it was lovingly hosted by Katie (and Jonathan did the cooking, yum!), Martha, Paula, Lyn, Carie, Andrea, Emily, Kiela and I were all there. Most had the whole family, so it was quite the get together!

The kids had a wonderful time playing hide-and-go-seek, ball, playing on the swings, tag, and riding in the car. Fortunately, the rain held off until later in the evening after everything had been wrapped up. It was so much fun to see everyone, to hang out and to just talk. We had a great time, but it was certainly tough to say goodbye.

Despite the rough start to the day, it was a great day with wonderful friends and fabulous food!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You all sound like you are having quite the adventure! H- you are a very brave woman.