Even here in sunny SoCal, it rains on occasion. Like today, for instance. It rained all day. But then you're faced with the interesting quandary of what to do after the rain. Wait for days on end for it to dry? Take a walk around the block while carefully avoiding contact with all standing water? High tail it out to the mountains to see if there's snow? Or to the desert to see if the wildflowers are in full bloom yet? Or, just wait to see what the kids come up with?
Well, let's just see what the kids can come up with. Because I'm busy doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, teaching, sitting in my rocking chair with a glazed over look on my face...you know, normal mom things. It's always nice when the kids can get outside for a little bit of...well, just what were they doing outside??
Oh, yes, well there you have it. The boys were outside using the tiki torches to dig to China from my garden. Well, that's a perfectly normal boy activity, isn't it? And apparently, some days you just need to ditch your pants in favor of more fresh air. Or something like that. I never did figure out why Mighty Man took off his pants. Something about keeping them dry or clean or whatever.
Um, yes, and those are brand new shirts that had only just been worn for the first time ever. One should always break those things in the first opportunity one gets. Right? Good thing my washing machine has a way with dirt and mud. Ew!
And here we have the saddest, most pathetic face on the surface of planet earth. Can't you see the poor boy is crying real mud tears? He was highly distressed that I had the gall to stand there at the door, taking pictures and not allowing him free reign in the house. Moms are so misguided sometimes. Especially when it comes to a guy's need to put muddy finger and foot prints far and wide inside. The nerve! Ha! All right. I admit, he was also cold and really mad that I wouldn't pick him up and cuddle him right away.
Anyway, needless to say, the hour I had kid-free to do all the mom-things I needed to do, was quickly erased by the hour+ that it took to strip off clothes, rinse clothes with a hose, do laundry, bathe kids, redress kids and then I could start dinner. Which is why we just hit the drive thru. Heh.
A brief side note: I'm catching up on pictures and posts I could have/should have done earlier...say December or January, but haven't. I also should be doing my Christmas cards, but haven't found the motivation to finish those. The cards are printed (have been since November) and the letters are done (have been since well before Christmas) but the envelopes aren't addressed. A pretty sad state of affairs, no? Ah, well. Life goes on!
I was obviously not around for this one. I would have hosed the kids off to teach them a lesson :)
Oh, wait. That's what I do in the summer when it's hot enough they won't get hypothermia when I hose them down.
Ah, yes, the summer hose-down. Well, it really was barely 50F out, so I cut them some slack. As it was, they were only a little blue around the lips and finger nails. :P
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