Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I must be insane

The kids have been taking both karate and most recently, swim lessons. Two things have changed or will change in the near future to upset the balance. Little Miss recently passed a swim test to move into Level 3. Problem is, Level 3 is not available during the time slot we've chosen for swim lessons. Second issue is that Little Dude turns 3 in bit and will begin lessons with the start of the next session. What to do? So I did a Mensa level puzzle of fitting swim lessons for 4 children into an already established karate schedule for 3 children. Oh, and did I mention as an added constraint, one person must be able to do the entire afternoon? Because The Lizard heads to Hawaii shortly, then off to Norfolk after that. So here's what I came up with:

MM has karate 5:30-6:15
no swim lessons

That's not too bad. But wait, there's more!

LM & MB have karate 4:30-5:30
MM & LD will have swimming 4:30-5:05
LM & MB will have swimming 5:50-6:25

So, if I drop LM & MB off at karate a few minutes early, then head over to the pool for swim lessons, I can get the two littlest dudes dried off and dressed before rushing back to pick up the two oldest from karate in order to get them changed and back over to the pool for swim lessons. Ok, that might be doable. Let's see what the rest of the week will look like.

MM & LD will have swimming 4:30-5:05
MM has karate 5:30-6:30
LM & MB will have swimming 5:50-6:25

Again, I'll have to be superhuman to make this, but I think I can hit the pool, get MM ready and dropped off at karate, head back to the pool for LM & MB's lessons and get back to pick up MM a smidgen late. The good news is, the dojo is good at keeping track of kiddos, and MM will be perfectly content to sit and watch the next class. Then there is the rest of the week...

LM & MB have karate 4:30-5:30
MM & LD will have swimming 4:30-5:05
LM & MB will have swimming 5:50-6:25

Lather, rinse and repeat.

MM & LD will have swimming 4:30-5:05
LM & MB will have swimming 5:50-6:25

Oh, that's easy! I think I'll just pack a picnic and head to the park between lessons. And the good news??? I'll only do this for 4 weeks! woohoo!

In case you're wondering, we're doing nearly the same schedule this week (minus the later swim lessons...they have lessons 3:50-4:25 this week), with the added bonus of doing Vacation Bible School every day, 8:30am-1pm (-ish...depending on when we finish setting up for the next day). Wait, I thought summer vacation was supposed to be a vacation? What happened there? Maybe I'm making up for lost time last summer. Hmm. I'll have to think about that.

P.S. Want to see the new bathroom? You do? Really? Well, you're going to have to wait. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow. *smooches*

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Think of it as elevator music.

So while you wait for me to get around to updating you on the progress being made in the bathroom, please allow me to bore you to tears with some more pictures. We went to Disneyland last Tuesday, which explains the following pictures:

First, the Sword in the Stone. Although, as Jay kindly pointed out, it's more like the Sword in the Anvil. But, whatever. This is right in front of King Arthur's Carousel, which the kids also enjoy. And since we'd just had a lovely ride on the carousel, we had to stop by the sword, to see if it was any easier to pull than the other 59 million times they've tried.

All four try:

Then the lady gets bored and wanders off, leaving the three boys to try.

We lose another kid and another, until we're left with this:

I have about 14 other pictures of Mighty Man trying his darnedest to get that sucker out, but I'll spare you the gore. Let's just say he has a particular talent for making faces. He always has. Maybe I'll pull up some old pictures for your entertainment...

More than likely, I'll forget that I ever promised to dig up old pictures of Mighty Man as a wee babe. In the mean while, I'd also like to beat you into submission with more flower pictures. All of these were taken at Disneyland, and none of them have been processed. They're sooc. Hey, I have 4 kids. Knock yourself out if you want to play with them in PhotoShop and kick up the saturation etc. Otherwise, just enjoy them, ok?

Disneyland 10Jun08 100

Disneyland 10Jun08 039

Disneyland 10Jun08 033

Disneyland 10Jun08 031

Yeah, I'll get there...

In the meantime, have a picture: